Wednesday, June 2, 2010 12:25 AM Posted by ckscribbles
More unjournaled on journal pages :) This one has a handmade envelope on it that wil be used for my summer goals. there are a lot of them so i hope they can all fit on one page!
this will be my thoughts on being a girlfriend page. My two year anniversary is coming up with my beautiful boyfriend and i would like to talk about all the times we've had together so far.
This is my page about more smiles and less frowns. I need to do this especially while i am at work. Sometimes just the thought of work makes me feel so angry inside, i need to turn that frown upside down!
My thoughts on summer 2010, I will write what i am looking forward to and things that inspire me for the season.

this is the page that reminds me with hard times come the good times <3

You can't tell but it says "swear i was blind before i met you" then it has our anniversary date on it. I guess i was feeling full of love when i did these pages.

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