Tell your story

Saturday, May 29, 2010 9:43 AM Posted by ckscribbles
so far i haven't been doing my art journal pages on time, i am a bit of a slacker. For the first part of class i had finals which i needed to study for and then i just felt like i needed a break. I checked it everyday and i knew i needed to start. There is not time like the present so i started promptly, or at least as promptly as you can be after 2 weeks of slacking!
first two pages
these are technically my second two pages, i didn't really like my first two. But basically it is just my feelings about a new season. Thesecond page was about my day at work, i was feeling over worked and underpaid because last week i worked 7 days straight. It was really a strain. I also didn't make that much money for as much as i got pushed around.
deep down
This is the next page i did, i photographed it before i journaled just in case i didn't want to share what was deep down with the world yet.

I'll post some more of them when i get home from work tonight, i hope everyone has a great saturday!

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